Bangkok is a metropolis of sightseeing attractions by day, however, as night decends, this sprawling city takes on a new look. The face of flashing lights and neon signs calling the visitor. Into the twillight zone that is Bangkok's entertainment industry. Although Bangkok has gained itself a reputation for its "nightlife" in terms of eniquity, there is actually much more to the nightscene than meets the eye. In terms of family entertainment serveral restaurants offer a set Thai dinner accompanied by Thai Classical Dancing with exhibitions in the art of Thai Boxing, Sword Fighting,Cock fighting etc. The night clubs feature live bands and international floor shows. For those who with to dance, discotheques a part of most hotels. Cocktail Lounges are a recent innovation to Bangkok's night activities. Gaining in popularity, these lounges operate, either by membership or on an open to ail basis. Usually very sophisticated, they are ideal places for businessmen and their guests. Besides drinking and dancing, hostesses are also provided. Night Clubs and Discos of international standards are situated in the majority of first class hotels in town, for the latter, there is generally a cover charge to include the first two drinks and door prices. Bangkok after dark is and experience you surely won't forget. Don't hesitate to get out and see it for yourself. We wish you a safe, pleasant and enjoyable stay.Bangkok Map Travel Guide: